Our House Project

Our house project is coming along nicely. It is exciting to be in the process of creating our new home after years of dreaming about it. We are self-building and starting planning to do this some years ago when we got the land that we are living on. I was surprised when I saw how…

Cold Storage

We were just talking yesterday about how great our small fridge is. I expect that most Irish people take their fridges and freezers for granted and would not even consider living without one although as a nation we are not very far removed from living without them. Rural electrification only happened in the sixties for…

Lentil Surprise

Tonight’s dinner was an unqualified success and an unexpected one at that! We were working on our house project during the day and I had been planning what to cook as I worked – I was thinking lentil burgers, because I knew we had a few eggs and some cheese, accompanied by a Mexican style…

Size does matter!

I suscribe to the “small living journal” which is an American online magazine devoted to the idea of living in small economical spaces – the complete opposite of the Celtic Tiger sort of dwellings which have turned our Irish countryside into disturbia! I particularly liked this article on Guerrilla Housing. It appeals to my ideas…