Easter 2016

Easter 2016

The year is slowly moving through the seasons, it’s nearly Easter and time to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Easter Rising 1916. What are you planning on doing? I’m sure there will be events all around the country allowing everyone to get involved no matter where we live. We’ve had some wonderful weather in…

Rain drops…

As I write I can hear rain drops pitter patter-ing on the roof light, it’s a lovely sound at night when you are warm and cozy and do not need to go outside. We did get some really nice weather week before last and made good use of it too! A couple of friends from…

Red Squirrel

What joy! This morning as we drove down the hill what crossed the road in front of us but a beautiful red squirrel! What a lovely sight. For a moment we could not make out exactly what we were looking at as this strange little creature ran across the road, he didn’t seem to be…