The Big Clothes Swap Party
A great evening of fun and fashion is happening in Ballinamore, Co. Leitrim on Friday next – yes, it’s the much anticipated Big Clothes Swap Meet.

- Come and Swap

Safe and clean drinking water and sanitation is a human right essential to the full enjoyment of life and all other human rights, the United Nations General Assembly declared in July this year, voicing deep concern that almost 900 million people worldwide do not have access to clean water. Reading through this report blew my…
Our house project is coming along nicely. It is exciting to be in the process of creating our new home after years of dreaming about it. We are self-building and starting planning to do this some years ago when we got the land that we are living on. I was surprised when I saw how…
I received the newsletter (copied below) from the good people at Food and Water Watch – a watchdog site in the USA that enable people like you and me to make a difference on matters that concern us – safe food and water for the generations to come as well as ourselves. Being an “armchair…
Do you often find yourself reading web-pages that have lots of ads, tabs, login buttons, animations etc? I find that some web-pages are distracting and that it takes longer to read the story that brought me there or that it is harder to focus on the story and ignore the background images. This situation can sometimes lead me to…
We have had a much better summer than in the last few years. There has been lost of sun and a generous amount of rain so the growth has been very lush. The grass has grown so quickly that we were nearly overgrown! The rushes on some of our land is waist high and has…
Last weekend we went van camping again, this time to the All Ireland Permaculture Gathering which was hosted this year by wonderful farmers in Co Tipperary. There was so much work done by members of the organising group before any of us arrived. Large tents and marquees were set up for the many workshops that…