
Loss and letting go

Loss is never easy. Letting go can be difficult too. I lost a wonderful friend and teacher last week when after a long illness she passed away peacefully. I am grateful to have had this friend in my life for the last seven years or so, I can’t count the blessings that have followed me…


Morning Practice

Do you have a morning ritual or practice? Is it a spiritual practice or a physical exercise routine? This morning I enjoyed both although that wasn’t my intention. I went for a hour long walk, at least that was the intention, I don’t know how long I was as I didn’t bring a phone and…


Allergies are Real

A doctor once told me that allergies are imagined, they did not exist. Allergies are very real, they can cause a wide variety of responses and a lot of discomfort, frustration and pain. Even today many doctors do not consider allergy as a possible cause of an illness until they have first eradicated many other…


Permaculture Gathering

Last weekend we went van camping again, this time to the All Ireland Permaculture Gathering which was hosted this year by wonderful farmers in Co Tipperary. There was so much work done by members of the organising group before any of us arrived. Large tents  and marquees were set up for the many workshops that…