
Making Healthy Decisions

Why do we make bad food decisions? We all make unhealthy decisions from time to time, quite often in relation to food. Sometimes we wonder why we act against our better judgement, perhaps that doughnut just looked too good to pass up or we were tired and so it was harder to exercise self control….


Do you use honey?

I have just read a great post over on Mark’s Daily Apple about honey and whether it is a safer sweetener than other sweeteners on the market. There is often a lot of confusion over what is or isn’t a healthy choice of sweetness – some even argue that sweetness is entirely unnecessary in a…


Christmas Bulge Anyone?

How did you manage your food intake over the Christmas Holiday? Did you find yourself eating things that you would normally avoid? Maybe put on a little bit of weight? Usually Christmas would see me add a few pounds, I can remember Christmases twenty years ago when I would put on at least 7 pounds…


Health and Contentment

Unfortunately the photos from this old post have been lost It’s the end of December and so the next calendar year is almost upon us. For me the new year really begins at Winter Solstice and I am already enjoying the lengthening of the winter days. We are having a wet and warm Christmas season…