Purple Daze
Rose-Bay Willowherb
Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head
Waiting To Open
Unfortunately the photos from this old post have been lost It is so wonderful to look about these days and see life bursting forth everywhere. There are buds on the trees, birds are singing to attract partners, frogs are singing and have already found their partners. We have been tending to our hedges here over…
Do you often find yourself reading web-pages that have lots of ads, tabs, login buttons, animations etc? I find that some web-pages are distracting and that it takes longer to read the story that brought me there or that it is harder to focus on the story and ignore the background images. This situation can sometimes lead me to…
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? . . . And as we…
I am thinking about changing my blog template. Actually I have been contemplating this for awhile and kept putting it off for the simple reason that I really like this template. I like the photo in the heading, the page-style layout and the overall colour and texture. The final decision was made last night as…
We had some real snow today, about seven or eight inches, it snowed all day, only stopping occasionally and then not for long. We went for a walk, threw really good snow balls and made a snowman. Today was a really good day for messing about and having fun! I also took a few photos…
It’s a wet and windy night out there and it’s lovely! It’s a fairly westerly wind and for some reason it sounds lovely to me. We’ve had a few lovely days of sunshine and a few grand dry days, bright and grey but dry and it’s been really enjoyable to be able to go about…