The Thistle Top Café
Photos by
Three’s a crowd…
I just installed a nice little tool on this site called Snap Shots that claims that it enhances links with visual previews of the destination site, interactive excerpts of Wikipedia articles, MySpace profiles, IMDb profiles and Amazon products, display inline videos, RSS, MP3s, photos, stock charts, makes the tea, bakes some biscuits and more. How…
Our house project is coming along nicely. It is exciting to be in the process of creating our new home after years of dreaming about it. We are self-building and starting planning to do this some years ago when we got the land that we are living on. I was surprised when I saw how…
I look at websites every day, I use Bloglovin to see what new, great, paleo, gluten free or keto recipes are out there so that I can share them on my facebook page or Pinterest. I use Instagram most days, posting my own photos or enjoying the pics of my insta-buddies and I occasionally use…
At last the rains have come… May the sun bring you new energy by day, May the moon softly restore you by night, May the rain wash away your worries, May the breeze blow new strength into your being, May you walk gently through the world and know it’s beauty All the days of your…
Over the last few weeks we have made great progress with our house building project. We finished putting up all the rafters by ourselves which was very satisfying. After that came the job of applying the ventilation membrane, a modern version of roofing felt. We were luck enough to have help for this job as himself doesn’t do heights so…
Yeah, we had more of the white stuff today! I had a lovely morning, I reckoned that the rain would come at some time today so I was enjoying the snow while I could. I did all the morning jobs listening to that lovely crunch underfoot as I filled water buckets to feed the big…
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I put this post up on Blog Gems for Jen this week – it’s not a laugh out loud post however if you’ve been looking at hospital walls for weeks on end then it may make you smile 🙂
Made me smile without the context of hospital walls. Your exquisite photography is enhanced by the captions.
Sorry I did not remember you are in Ireland (from my response to your comment at my place). Your online name is familiar in a friendly way. Hope you are able to see more thistle in real life soon.
Made me smile! I had a very rough day and you reminded me about the simple beauty of nature. I need to just chill out and think about the bigger picture rather than being in a funk. Did you take these pictures? They are fantastic!
Thank you for participating in Blog Gems!
Thanks for popping over here Jean and glad to have been able to bring some of natures simple pleasure to you on a rough day.
Yes, the photos here on the blog are all my own and mostly taken with my mobile phone as that happens to be in my pocket more often than my camera and I am delighted with it’s ability to take such close up shots. I am delighted that you enjoy them 🙂
As for the Blog Gems – thank you for taking it on and giving Jen a well deserved break.