Wild Summer Wanderings

I have been wandering here and there for awhile this summer, it’s fun to be footloose and fancy free – so to speak. The weather has not been the best, however, this is Ireland and we have grown up with these weather patterns and have learnt from our mothers knee to just go out there…

Rain drops…

As I write I can hear rain drops pitter patter-ing on the roof light, it’s a lovely sound at night when you are warm and cozy and do not need to go outside. We did get some really nice weather week before last and made good use of it too! A couple of friends from…

The Night Sky

A beautiful morning was followed by a beautiful night. I don’t know what the night sky is like where you are dear reader, here in Leitrim it is only gorgeous right now. It’s almost nine o’clock and I have been popping out to keep an eye on the sky for the last hour or so….