Look Around You
Isn’t it wonderful when you look around you and see beauty?
Roasted Squash This is not a Paleo dish, however it could be a Primal dish if you substitute mushrooms for the beans and use ground almond, crushed almond and crushed pine nuts for the breadcumbs – enjoy! Thanks to my sister for this one 🙂 2 small squash, halved and seeds scooped out (you can…
Blian Núa Shona Dhuit – Happy New Year to you and those you love. My global wish (hey, why not be ambitious?) is that we all learn to prioritise the truly important things in life and concentrate less on the superficial and commercial. I had a lovley break over the Christmas, didn’t even check my…
I recently had the opportunity to sit in a group and work through some unresolved tension between some of the group members. The method used for relieving the tension was so simple – good communication. Everyone spoke in turn, without interruption. People took their time, there was no rush, there was time to think about…
Supreme Court Alfalfa Hearings – THE CROP HEARD AROUND THE WORLD! The following is taken from the Sustainable Culture Group on Facebook – Monsanto challenges alfalfa ban in Supreme Court The genetically engineered alfalfa case will be heard on April 27. This is the first genetically engineered crop case ever heard by the Supreme Court….
I found this story whilst trawling the web last night, the story is also covered here– what do you think? This story is about a group of women in India who have enough of being beaten and undefended. They have started to group together and stand up for themselves, using lathi – traditional sticks, if…