People Change

I have a number of siblings and when we were younger we were all great friends.  We regularly holidayed together and visited with each other. If  one of us was in trouble we all did our best to help out, sometimes travelling thousands of miles to do so. Over the past decade there have been many big changes in…

All Swapped Out

Well done to everyone who took part in Ballinamore’s recent Clothes Swap Party. It was a resounding success with lots of money raised for charity, both local and further away – sorry I don’t have details of the charities – I wasn’t involved in the organisation – only in the admiration of a job well…

The Angry Mermaid Awards

I don’t know about how you feel – I know that I often feel angry at the blatant disregard given by world governments, my own included,  to the sizeable problem facing us all,  Global Climate Change. I recently came across this really interesting site, set up by people who have become, as many of us…