The Time That’s in it…
This is where I was today….

This is where I would have liked to have been…

This is why I would like to have been in Dublin today…
Irish Economic Crisis Explained (short wee you-tube piece, well worth watching!)
This is where I was today….
This is where I would have liked to have been…
This is why I would like to have been in Dublin today…
Irish Economic Crisis Explained (short wee you-tube piece, well worth watching!)
Families can be so complicated, I am sure that it was always thus. Now we have more family than ever, even though the old fashioned extended family has gone by the wayside we now have a new fashioned extended family because we have our in-laws and we now have out-laws. No, I don’t mean Billy…
Today we are fog bound, we can only see about 100 metres. It’s a dense, wet fog, the kind that stills sounds and feels really cold. We even lit a fire this morning and that very rarely needs to happen, especially in October. This week we had a beautiful, hot, sunny day. Right from sun-rise…
I am reading a book by John Perkins entitled The Economic Hitman and so recently I signed up to his newsletter. This is the most recent newsletter and I felt the urge to share it… Peace I’m in Istanbul, a city that has seen its share of war. Today Turkey is greatly impacted by the…
Do I have to? How often were those words uttered in childhood and still they go through my head today? There were a few things I “have to” this week – dreaded paperwork and menu planning. Paperwork – need I say more? Never my favourite occupation – it’s not that I can’t, it’s more that…
Simple living and sustainable living are not necessarily the same thing, although the terms may seem to be interchangeable for some people. That might sound like a strange opinion (hey, it’s only one of many) but the difference lies in what sustainable means, or indeed what it means to you or to me. It is…
Note: not all of my images made it through the import process, some were lost in a photo sharing program I used to use. I am every day amazed by the loveliness that is around me here on the hill. How lucky am I to live here?