New Blog Theme
I have had a go at designing a new blog template this evening – not too shabby for a first try.
Might just leave it awhile and see if I like it. Please feel free to leave comments about it…
I don’t know about how you feel – I know that I often feel angry at the blatant disregard given by world governments, my own included, to the sizeable problem facing us all, Global Climate Change. I recently came across this really interesting site, set up by people who have become, as many of us…
Today is Blog Action Day and this year – yip, apparently it’s a yearly event where bloggers are asked to all write about a particular social issue in order to help raise awareness, I must have missed it last year – I digress, this year it’s to highlight climate change and encourage people to increase…
2008/08/30 This post became lost in cyberspace and today was found – it should have been posted back in August 2008 and probably was stored in drafts because of a dodgy modem connection – now it can be put in it’s rightful place – no longer a lowly draft…….. I accidentally did some gardening today, I had…
As some of you know I’m often over on twitter and on Tuesday evenings between 8 and 9pm I join in a chat with a group of twitterers who come together to chat with each other. Most of us are from the western edge of Europe (Britain and Ireland) however lots of people are joining…
Yeah, we had more of the white stuff today! I had a lovely morning, I reckoned that the rain would come at some time today so I was enjoying the snow while I could. I did all the morning jobs listening to that lovely crunch underfoot as I filled water buckets to feed the big…