Snow Days

I woke up yesterday morning and noticed that the world was very quiet, so even before I opened my eyes I knew that it had snowed overnight. I jumped out of bed like a kid and quickly had a mug of coffee as I lit the fire and headed out the door to play!

I don’t have a sleigh or sled so I grabbed an old empty plastic coal bag (from the stash of useful empty heavy duty bags) and made my way down the field to the hill, regretting that we hadn’t managed to cut all the rushes last year. Unfortunately this meant that the best sliding spots were too rushy and there was not enough snow to overcome the rushes.

There were a few good slopes at the sides of the field but they headed straight into briar patches = ouch! Didn’t want to try that! I did the best that I could with the conditions, it wasn’t exactly adrenaline pumping fun but it was fun. I had the best results by sliding face down, head first downhill, I wasn’t going fast enough for it to be dangerous and really I enjoyed myself.

Later I went for a walk over to the forest, it’s so beautiful to walk on crunchy clean snowy ground with few tracks. I walked past a few places where I know that badgers or foxes cross into the forest, there were no tracks there.

Tracks in the snow

I did see tracks further down the lane and followed those for a while. They were the tracks of wild and savage mountain anlmals.

Ok, subsititute silly and small-brained for wild and savage and you have hill sheep. Hey – up here in the hills we take our fun where we can get it.

Wild and savage beasts...

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