Last Weekend
Here are a few pictures of the last of the snow (as far as we know)
We have another referendum approaching and we have the opportunity to make our opinions count. I have always felt that it is important to vote. There have been times when I truly wonder whether it really makes any difference to vote, the same policies seem to be in place no matter which of the parties…
Last weekend we went van camping again, this time to the All Ireland Permaculture Gathering which was hosted this year by wonderful farmers in Co Tipperary. There was so much work done by members of the organising group before any of us arrived. Large tents and marquees were set up for the many workshops that…
Guest Post from Colette Ní Eachtarn (a friend who doesn’t have a blog… yet. Her words need to be heard) ————————————————————– Day 3 on the ground in ‘The Jungle‘, Calais, France. An emotional day today for the whole team. From the minute we stepped into the camp it seems. Again the medical team were out…
I subscribe to the mailing list from the FIndhorn community because sometimes what I receive is simply lovely, as it is today – Be very, very simple, very un-complex, very natural, like very small happy children, undisturbed by what happened yesterday or what may happen tomorrow, but living and enjoying the ever present Now to the very…
Note: not all of my images made it through the import process, some were lost in a photo sharing program I used to use. Today was a very wet rainy day and I only got outside for a short walk between the showers so I did some catching up on reading books and blogs and…
As some of you know I’m often over on twitter and on Tuesday evenings between 8 and 9pm I join in a chat with a group of twitterers who come together to chat with each other. Most of us are from the western edge of Europe (Britain and Ireland) however lots of people are joining…
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