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Cobweb Season
I woke up yesterday morning to find that cobweb season had arrived. When I went for my early morning walk I discovered that our land was cloaked in wondrous cobwebs, each glistening in morning mist. All the thistles and rushes and tall grasses were connected by shimmering bridges of silk where there was none the…
Lough Melvin
Yesterday was lovely day for a drive and it just so happened that I had some wee jobs to do that necessitated a drive through part of beautiful Co Fermanagh. The sun was shining and there was still snow on the tops of the hills and mountains, mountain waterfalls were glistening in the distance and the lakes were like…
Monsanto in court in America
Supreme Court Alfalfa Hearings – THE CROP HEARD AROUND THE WORLD! The following is taken from the Sustainable Culture Group on Facebook – Monsanto challenges alfalfa ban in Supreme Court The genetically engineered alfalfa case will be heard on April 27. This is the first genetically engineered crop case ever heard by the Supreme Court….
Lentil Surprise
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Kiss Halloween
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Giving Green a Bad Name
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