The White Stuff
Yeah, we had more of the white stuff today!

I had a lovely morning, I reckoned that the rain would come at some time today so I was enjoying the snow while I could. I did all the morning jobs listening to that lovely crunch underfoot as I filled water buckets to feed the big pot on the stove for hot water for dish washing, decanted spring water from the large outdoor containers into the container that we use indoors, fed the cats and swept the snow off the PV (photovoltaic) panels.

I did the morning jobs at a nice easy pace, enjoying the work, knowing that I would go for a walk when I had finished, knowing that I would walk uphill a bit today to see the views from up higher before the fog moved in.

Before I emptied the compost bucket into the compost heap I had to clear the snow off the waiting heap first. I knew that the cut grass pile that we use to cover the compost heap was running low, I had intended to move a few of the smaller grass piles closer to the compost area but the snow made that difficult so I emptied the ashes from the fire over it instead.

I went in to light the fire and I was watching the morning weather forecast say that it was raining whilst it was still snowing outside. However I suspected that they probably would be right eventually so I grabbed a banana and the camera bag and headed off for a walk in the falling snow.

Hi Scribhneoir, Love all the pics – the sheep – those wild and wooly creatures :). Love the snow pics.
We actually had fog here in the desert this morning. I posted a couple of pics on my blog at
Fog is not something we see very often in these parts and so we relish it when we get it. The plants also love it and always perk up a bit.
Your snowy world is simply beautiful. Thanks for all the walking and camera work because I enjoyed it this morning. And your beasties do look ferocious indeed! We woke late this Sunday morning to fog – can hardly see the hills around us.
Tell me Scribhneoir – what have you discovered about arthritis symptoms and foods? this is such a fascinating field – it’s rather like undoing the harms of modern diet.
Fabulous photos. I especially love the snow fence one. Pam