Beautiful Beech
Note: not all of my images made it through the import process, some were lost in a photo sharing program I used to use.
I am every day amazed by the loveliness that is around me here on the hill. How lucky am I to live here?
Many of us yearn to be a traveler, the sort of person who has adventures, who brings home great travel stories, unusual photos and makes connections with people in foreign lands. Realistically however most of us have very restricted travel time and even more restricted budgets. So how do we have the adventure of a…
As I write I can hear rain drops pitter patter-ing on the roof light, it’s a lovely sound at night when you are warm and cozy and do not need to go outside. We did get some really nice weather week before last and made good use of it too! A couple of friends from…
Supreme Court Alfalfa Hearings – THE CROP HEARD AROUND THE WORLD! The following is taken from the Sustainable Culture Group on Facebook – Monsanto challenges alfalfa ban in Supreme Court The genetically engineered alfalfa case will be heard on April 27. This is the first genetically engineered crop case ever heard by the Supreme Court….
Simple living and sustainable living are not necessarily the same thing, although the terms may seem to be interchangeable for some people. That might sound like a strange opinion (hey, it’s only one of many) but the difference lies in what sustainable means, or indeed what it means to you or to me. It is…
Well done to everyone who took part in Ballinamore’s recent Clothes Swap Party. It was a resounding success with lots of money raised for charity, both local and further away – sorry I don’t have details of the charities – I wasn’t involved in the organisation – only in the admiration of a job well…
Our house project is coming along nicely. It is exciting to be in the process of creating our new home after years of dreaming about it. We are self-building and starting planning to do this some years ago when we got the land that we are living on. I was surprised when I saw how…