Geeky Wednesday
I have decided to take some of the great advice in Rachel Meeks new e-book, Simple Blogging: Less computer time, better blogging. Â One of the ideas that appealed to me is to set a schedule for blogging.
This idea has benefits for me and for people who like to read the blog. It gives me some structure to work within and I have to admit that I could benefit from a wee bit of structure. It also means that people who read the blog on a regular basis will know when to expect something new and wonderful to read about 🙂
I will of course blog about the usual subjects that take my fancy, without any particular schedule whatsoever. I am not becoming completely organised, that would be far too much for me and my family to expect, I am just making a wee change.
So I had a few thoughts about things to blog about aside from the usual stories about the progress in our house building and came up with the idea of writing a few geeky pieces on a regular basis hence the wonderful name – Geeky Wednesday.

I do have already a few geeky things to write about so I should be alright for subject material for a wee while however if you have any geeky questions that you think I may be able to help with then I would love to hear from you.
I expect to write on such subjects as wordpress plugins, open source software, keeping older laptops up to speed and lots more.
I do have some great geeky advisors so if I don’t have an answer for you then I would certainly try my very best to find one and would relish the learning that I would have to do……
So please check back in next week for the first installment of Geeky Wednesday and from then on – the First Wednesday of the Month…..
I have no idea what you’re talking about – you know plug ins and things. You geek.