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Budgeting manure
I spent yesterday creating a bank in which to plant a hedge (whitethorn) to fill a gap that used to be a gateway and is no longer used. I was using a large pile of cow dung and straw that a neighbour kindly delivered to us last year when he was cleaning out a cowshed…
Simple can be difficult
I recently had the opportunity to sit in a group and work through some unresolved tension between some of the group members. The method used for relieving the tension was so simple – good communication. Everyone spoke in turn, without interruption. People took their time, there was no rush, there was time to think about…
Summer Green
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More Spring Flowers
Note: not all of my images made it through the import process, some were lost in a photo sharing program I used to use. Here are a few more photos from springtime which I didn’t get around to putting up until now, enjoy… These are common flowers found in the shelter of hedgerows and easily overlooked…
GM or not to GM
Tonight I was watching a regular program on one of our national tv channels, the program Ear To The Ground focuses on rural and agricultural issues and tonight the featured discussion was on genetically modified food crops. Sadly I didn’t find it a balanced piece, i thought that it was slanted in favour of GM,…